Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Giant UFO 'Black Cube" Through Sun's Surface? - Apr 29-30, 2013

The return of the black cube.

Over the past few years many black cubes are seen on the pictures of the sun.

Pictures of the black cubes clearly show cutting of pixels within certain areas which assumed that maybe NASA hiding giant spaceships behind the black cubes?

The latest SOHO images from April 29 and April 30, 2013 show what looks like a giant black cube comes through the sun's surface.

A giant UFO-Black Cube through the sun's surface, is this possible?

We have our doubts. The pixilation of the object is much larger than that of the sun behind it, and that's a classic sign of photo manipulation. There are plenty of very convincing pictures of extremely large objects close to the sun and in the corona that do not appear to be manipulated.

But... if the images are not manipulated than it gives a whole new twist to the concept 'Black Cubes'.

source video: ufovni2012

Citizen Hearing On Disclosure 'UFO Truth Is Out There' - Apr 30, 2013

UFO enthusiasts are calling on the US government to end what they say is a truth embargo over the existence of alien life.

Is the federal government honest about what it knows about UFOs? Are officials suppressing the truth about extraterrestrial visitations?

The federal hearings UFO researchers have been demanding have not yet materialized. But some of the testimony that would be posed at those proceedings will be posed this week to former members of Congress. At the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., a Citizen Hearing On Disclosure (CHD) will unfold between April 29 to May 3. For 30 hours, 40 international researchers and military/agency witnesses will testify in front of committee members.


CHD organizer and political activist Stephen Bassett wants this event to primarily reach the mainstream media and Congress.


source: citizenhearing.org , huffingtonpost

Monday, April 29, 2013

Hundreds of UFO images captured over Perth, Australia - Apr 27, 2013

Rob Hartland has taken from the veranda of his Darlington home in the Perth Hills, more than 20,000 photos of the day-time sky in the past six months and analysed them on his computer.

UFO over Darlington, WA - November 17, 2012. Image: Rob Hartland

It began when he was taking photos of clouds to test out a new camera when he noticed a "smudge" that, when enlarged and enhanced, "had some structure to it, suggesting it could be some sort of craft in the sky".

He says since then he has identified a dozen different UFOs including round, square and saucer-shaped craft, posting the photos to his website wispyclouds.net for extra-terrestrial buffs and sceptics to ponder.

These craft are fast-moving and fly at fairly high altitude as Rob usually focus the camera on the edges of mid- to high-altitude clouds. Rob usually take a series of 20 to 30 photos on continuous shooting mode with a fraction of a second between each photo. When captured, most of the time these craft are present in only one and occasionally two of the series of 20 images. Rob usually take about 300 images at a time, especially when there are wispy high-altitude clouds. On some days there may be craft present in more than 5% of the photos, although many are too small for enhancing.

An overview of Rob Hartland's stunning images at his website wispyclouds.net

source: perthnow.com.au , wispyclouds.net

Mars Curiosity: Real Martian Soldier - Hieroglyph 2013

Martian hieroglyph which I have called Martian Soldier.

Artefacts can clearly be seen in the picture. Rock carvings of dogs, a lion, a humanoid head a deer head, a pair of shoes, fossilised humanoid type bone and fossilised child's foot.

The scene gives us an insight into Martian culture.

I imagine this scene could be of what was the garden of a stonemason where he worked and displayed his goods.

His children played there sometimes barefoot just leaving their shoes lying on the ground. They played with their own pets and some of their fathers carvings.

Perhaps Mars will teach us as much about planet Earth and ourselves as it does about itself. It certainly demonstrates how tenuous life is and how

Link original image:

source and credits: Michael Witter

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Prophecy Nostradamus, St. John, Hopi Blue Kachina, Illuminati Cards Meteor Strike and Hail Bob 2013

Let’s point out some predictions from the past to present:

The Past:

Hopi Prophecy:

And this is the ninth and last sign, you will hear of a dwelling place in the heavens, above the earth, that shall fall with a great crash. I will be appear as a blue star.

It will come when the Saquasohu (blue star) Kachina dance in the plaza and removes his mask.

Image: Illuminati card Hail bop - Face in the card. (Image enlarged + negative). Mask.

The Hopi Indians refer to the Blue Star Prophecy as being a message from the Gods in relation to the end of the world. It is believed by some Hopi elders that all of the 9 signs of the end have arrived, and that they will be saved from the nuclear war or other doomsday scenario that will devastate most of humanity.

They believe that a white-skinned man named Pahana will come bearing the proper symbols and piece of stone tablet when the time is right to aid in the transition to the fifth and final world.

The coming of the white-skinned men, like Pahana, but not living like Pahana men who took the land that was not theirs. And men who struck their enemies with thunder. (guns)

ImageIlluminati card Hail Bop - Face in the card. (Image enlarged). Pahana = Barack Obama


Hail = Hailed or blessed
Bop = Barack obama = B + ob = Bop

A strange beast like a buffalo but with great long horns, will overrun the land in large numbers. He white man will battle against other people in other lands -- with those who possessed the first light of wisdom.

 Nostradamus Prophecy:

Quatrain II.46 After great misery for mankind an even greater one approaches, when the great cycle of the centuries is renewed. It will rain blood, milk, famine, war and disease. In the sky will be seen a fire, dragging a tail of sparks.

Quatrain II.41 The great star for seven days will burn, The cloud will cause two suns to appear: The big mastiff all night will howl, When the great pontiff changes countries.

Quatrain VI.6 There will appear towards the North, Not far from Cancer the bearded star: Susa, Siena, Boeotia, Eretria, The great one of Rome will die, (the Pope?) the night over.

Coordinates Comet ISON: (Blue Kachina?).

01 May 2013:  09 Cancer - 6N
01 June 2013: 13 Cancer - 5N
01 July 2013 : 19 Cancer - 3N
01 Aug 2013 : 27 Cancer - 3N

The complete list with astrological coordinates: Here

Quatrain I.69 The great mountain round of seven stadia, Afterwards peace, war, famine, flood, It will roll far away sinking great countries, Even antiquities, and great foundation.

Quatrain II.43 During the bearded star's appearance, The three great princes (USA, Russia, China?) will be made enemies: Hit from the sky, (meteorites from comet ISON?) peace earth trembling, Pau, Tiber overflowing, serpent on the brink placed.

St. John Prophecy:

And there was war in heaven. Michael (Sun - Solar flares?) and his angels going forth to war with the dragon; and the dragon warred and his angels.

12;8 And they prevailed not; either was their place found any more in heaven.

Image:  Illuminati card Meteor-Strike (Image enlarged) - Serpent. (Serpent on the brink placed)

12:9 And the great dragon was cast down. The old serpent, he that called the wisdom of the world, he was cast down to the earth, and his angels were cast down with him…

And there was seen another sign in heaven; and behold, a great red dragon with seven heads and ten horns, and upon his heads seven diadems.

Image: Illuminati card Comet-Strike. (Image enlarged) Head /dragon figure with horns.

12.4: St. John said: “and his tail (comet ISON) draw the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast the earth”.


Remote Viewing:

A. A 1971 U.S. Department of Defense DARPA chronovisor time travel probe to the year 2013 found the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington, DC under 100 feet of brackish water.

B. Farsight Institute remote viewing probe of June 2013.

Back in 2008 some predictions were made by a team of the top, military trained "remote viewers" - each with over a decade of successful service. Lyn Buchanan from US Army Intelligence and Glenn Wheaton, of US Special Forces participated in a project run by Farsight Institute originally designed to detect minute climate changes at selected targets around the globe. Instead of climate change, the remote viewers saw a huge meteoric impact in the ocean with devastating tidal waves and volcanism. Read more: All this happening by 2013

C. Remote viewer Ed Dames:
Comet ISON is not alone. ISON is accompanied with a number of celestial bodies, it is a group!
Ed Dames expressed his concerns about comet ISON.

Illuminati Cards: Hail Bop and Meteor Strike:
A reference to comet ISON and above mentioned prophecies?

Comet ISON (2012 S1)

Nucleus about 3,5 miles across
Coma about 3,100 miles across
Dust Tail extends more than 57,000 miles
Comet closest to the Sun: 700,000 miles (on November 28, 2013)
Comet closest to the Earth: 40 million miles
Active: Data from January 2013: Already more than 112,000 pounds of dust were spewing from the comet's nucleus every minute
Earth will pass through a stream of debris from the comet around January 12, 2014
Comet could dust the earth with meteorites in early 2014
Comet will outshining the Moon and become a bright naked-eye object

Finally: Is NASA telling the truth about Comet ISON?

Friday, April 26, 2013

Joint US-S. Korea war games amid growing nuclear tension - Apr 26, 2013

Marines from US and South Korea forces held a combined joint landing operation in Pohang, South Korea as part of the ongoing South Korea-US joint Foal Eagle exercise which North Korea has been strongly denouncing, calling it a war practice drill. Around 1,500 US and 2,000 South Korean participants from across the nations' forces joined the drill.

On an anniversary known for military showmanship, North Korean generals on Thursday declared that their forces were ready to launch intercontinental ballistic missiles and kamikazelike nuclear attacks at the United States if threatened.

“Stalwart pilots, once given a sortie order, will load nuclear bombs, instead of fuel for return, and storm enemy strongholds to blow them up,” the North’s official Korean Central News Agency quoted its Air and Anti-Air Force commander, Ri Pyong-chol, as saying during a ceremony in observance of the anniversary of the founding of the North Korean People’s Army.

Another general, Kim Rak-gyom, the Strategic Rocket Force commander, reiterated the claim that the North is “one click away from pushing the launch button.”

“If the U.S. imperialists and their followers dare make a pre-emptive attack, they will be made to keenly realize what a real nuclear war and real retaliatory blows are like,” he said. Read more

source: RT , nytimes

Huge Battleship Type Object Above Planet Earth 2013

An image of eol.jsc.nasa.gov shows a remarkable object discovered by Streetcap1.

Given the size of the unknown object it looks like a kind of aircraft carrier. it is possible that this object is a huge extraterrestrial craft?


Link image: http://eol.jsc.nasa.gov/sseop/images/ESC/large/ISS006/ISS006-E-51192.JPG

Comet ISON: Remote Viewer Ed Dames gets nervous

Comet Hale Bopp was discovered on July 23, 1995 and one of the brightest seen for many decades. It was visible to the naked eye for a record 18 months, twice as long as the previous record holder, the Great Comet of 1811. Hale–Bopp met or exceeded most predictions when it passed perihelion on April 1, 1997. The comet's dust tail roughly followed the path of the comet's orbit and yielded no danger for Earth.

Comet ISON photographed by the Hubble Telescope on April 10, 2013

Comet ISON is different. This comet follows the path of the Great Comet of 1811. This comet, according to NASA will overrule the brightness of Hale Bopp, later this year.

OK, ISON will not be a threat to Earth - getting no closer to Earth than about 40 million miles, but a new model of the debris flowing from Comet ISON suggests that the sungrazer could dust the Earth around January 12, 2014.

The Solar Cycle according to NASA peaks in the second half of 2013, and possible last in 2014.

End of this year, early 2014, in the same time frame: Comet ISON and the peak of the Solar Cycle!

Listen to a revealing interview of Ed Dames on TheLightOfDayRadioShow where Ed Dames expressed his concerns about comet ISON.

You can listen to the interview HERE


source: the lightofthedayradioshow.com ,

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Monstrous whirlpool in Dviete, Latvia swallows everything in its path (Video)

Monstrous whirlpool in parish Dviete, Latvia near the banks of the Daugava River, swallows everything in its path.

Swallowing everything dragged towards its direction, this monstrous whirlpool looks as if a plug has been pulled from the ground beneath.

Huge chunks of ice? Gone. Floating islands of debris? Annihilated.

Whirlpools in nature occur as a result of fast moving currents meeting one another in opposite directions.

The whirlpool in Latvia has been formed by water from the swollen river flowing into an inlet on the upstream side of a bridge. All of the debris is funneled under the road on which spectators are standing and flows downstream.

According to the European Federation for Rural Tourism, Latvia's Dviete river valley, where this video was filmed, is home to a massive wetland during flooding season.


source: huffingtonpost , janis astics

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Amazing Fireball Falls From The Sky in Texas 2013

Amazing images of a Fireball that falls from the sky in Texas. The photographs were taken on December 13, 2012, by our regular reader Pamela Anderson.

Last December, Earth went through a a stream of debris from "rock comet" 3200 Phaethon and Comet Wirtanen. That time period was also the peak of the strong annual Geminid meteor shower.

We assume that the wonderful images are related to debris of the meteor shower of Comet Wirtanen / Geminid shower or is it something else? We would like to know your opinion.

Credit and author: Pamela Anderson

Meteorite Crashes Through Roof Of House in Connecticut - Apr 20, 2013

A rock that crashed through a house in Connecticut last weekend has been confirmed to be a meteorite.

Homeowner Larry Beck called police in Wolcott, CT at 10:30 a.m. on April 20, 2013 and said a baseball-sized rock crashed through his home the night before, causing damage to his roof and pipes in the attic before cracking the ceiling in his kitchen.

Police reported that people from several towns in the area had called to report a loud boom that rattled windows last Friday evening.

Reports say that at first, police thought the rock was a broken piece of airport runway concrete that had dropped from a plane when landing gear was being lowered. The home is near two airports.

After examining the object on Tuesday, Stefan Nicolescu, the collections manager for the Mineralogy Division at the Yale Peabody Museum confirmed it was in fact a meteorite, likely a chondrite.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

SIRIUS: Analysis report Alacama Humanoid - Apr 23, 2013

This six-inch body was found in the Atacama Desert in Chile. Genetic analysis has revealed it to be definite organic material with a plethora of striking abnormalities so-far unseen in any other life on Earth.

Analysis Reports:

1. Stanford University Research: Steven M. Greer MD 22 April 2013

After six months of research by leading scientists at Stanford University, the Atacama Humanoid remains a profound mystery.

The humanoid was first discovered in 2003 in the remote Atacama desert region of Chile, but I did not learn of the existence of the specimen until 2009, when invited to examine the mummy-like remains of the humanoid in Barcelona Spain. In the summer of 2012, Ramón Navia-Osorio Villar, President of INSTITUTO DE INVESTIGACIONES Y ESTUDIOS EXOBIOLÓGICOS graciously permitted our team to do further tests on the humanoid.

We traveled to Barcelona Spain in late September 2012 to obtain detailed Rays, CAT scans and take genetic samples for testing at Stanford University... READ FULL REPORT pdf

2. Chile Specimen Report and Summary by Dr. Garry Nolan

There is a need to bring modern biomedical, transparent and verifiable analysis to a variety of arenas. In the Fall of 2012 a biomedical analysis was initiated of a mummified specimen claimed to have originated in the Atacama Desert of Chile, South America. X High resolution photographic, X-Ray and Computed Tomography evidence was taken, along with purification of DNA for whole genome sequence (WGS). READ FULL REPORT pdf

3. The radiographic evaluation report by Dr. Ralph Lachman. READ FULL REPORT pdf


4.OpenmindsTV posted earlier this week a revealing story including a video of the original 7 minute TV program about the case aired by Chile’s Megavisión Channel V shortly after the creature’s discovery was published in the local press in 2003, outlining the origin of the alleged tiny ET creature and they chronicled how this creature was none other than a case known in Chile as the La Noria ET from 2003. READ FULL REPORT

The Alacama Humanoid is currently undergoing further testing, including carbon dating.

 source: siriusdisclosure.com , openmindstv

UFO appears above Volcano Turrialba in Costa Rica - Apr 23, 2013

The volcano cam caught an unknown flying object above the Turrialba Volcano in Costa Rica on April 13, 2013.

Turrialba Volcano was named after the region of Costa Rica in which the volcano is situated in Turrialba County, Cartago of Costa Rica.

The stratovolcano is 3,340 m (10,958 ft) high and is about 45 minutes from the Atlantic slope town of Turrialba.

Turrialba is adjacent to Irazú and both are among Costa Rica's largest volcanoes. It had at least five large explosive eruptions in last 3500 years.

Link: Volcano Cam


Jaime Maussan and his vision of life outside our strange planet - Apr 22, 2013

Jaime Maussan is one of Mexico's most well-known journalists—and its most famous UFO-ologist.

VICE Mexico met Jaime at his house in the forest right outside Mexico City, where he gave us a tour of the tunnels of his underground abode and shared some of his most exhilarating adventures and his vision of life outside our strange planet. source: vice.vom

Monday, April 22, 2013

Massive Meteor Falls Over Argentina - Apr 21, 2013 (Video)

Amazing footage of the meteor which exploded over Argentina Sunday 21st April 2013.

A small summary of massive meteors, meteorites, asteroids and comets events over the past weeks:

15/2: Huge meteor strikes Russia
17/2: Asteroid DA14
27/2: Green fireball over California
10/3: Meteor over Japan
11/3: Comet Pan-Starrs
29/3: Comet 2013 A1 is heading for Mars (Collision course?)
15/4: Comet explodes above Spain
19/4: Comet ISON (Debris could dust the Earth with meteorites early 2014)
21/4: Massive meteor over Argentina


Zoom into the Moon and find the Disk - April 2013

There appears to be some sort of raised plateau or something what looks like a disk.. UFO?

Zoom into the Moon and find the Disk

Here is the link to the high resolution mosaic:

Use your mouse wheel or the + and - buttons on this incredible interactive view of the Moon to zoom in; use your mouse to let the image take you where you want to go. Click on the button in the lower right to go full screen and you’ll feel like you are in lunar orbit.

This was created by @AstroMike247
Hat tip: Cory Schmitz
Source: universetoday.com

Sunday, April 21, 2013

NASA manipulates photo and airbrushed UFO? 2013

For those who still think that NASA does not manipulate the photos.

Link: The original photo showing an unknown 'UFO' object
Link: The airbrushed photo and the object is missing

In my opinion, the only possibility that the object is not removed by NASA, if the image would consist of two different images, photographed in a split second. If this were the case, then it is a proof that the two separate images show a fast moving UFO or living entity.


source: streetcap1

Stunning Flying Saucer Caught Over Khakassia, Russia 2013

Two schoolgirls from Khakassia managed to take incredible shots of a flying saucer.

Eyewitnesses have no doubt that they had seen a UFO.

The objects shape was a classic saucer shaped craft, and left onlookers stunned and amazed.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Incredible Sandstorm Turns day into Night - April 2013 (Video)

Amazing footage of a massive sandstorm in Saudi Arabia which turned the day to night!

Aggressive synthetic life microbes find their way up the food chain

Back in June and July 2010 BeePeeOilDisaster began to watch the live camera feeds from the oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. Credit goes to Sen. Ed Markey for FORCING B.P. to attach cameras to ALL of their Remote Operated Vehicles (R.O.V.'s) that they were using in place of humans to work on the exploded well head. It is impossible for any human to dive to that depth so they use these marine mechanical remote control robots to do the work.

One day BeePee viewed some live real time video and he could clearly see what at the time, for lack of a better term, he called "Bugs" that were penetrating the steel machinery as if it was soft butter! Then one day a week or so later watching CNN and they put 2 divers in the water 48 miles from the exploded well area, one was CNN reporter Amber Lyon and the other was Philippe Cousteau the grandson of famed oceanographer Jacques-Yves Cousteau. At one point during the live television broadcast Amber Lyon said "I really hope this is medically safe because my mask is leaking and I can see little things swimming around inside of it!" then they rushed to the surface!

B.P. and scientists including Craig Venter (Whos yacht is named "The Sorcerer II!) had created a microbe using synthetic DNA and they computer programmed it to actually eat the oil! This microbe is a synthetic life form made in part from synthetic DNA and part of the E-Coli bacterium that is self replicating and very resilient, it is not effected by any type of antibiotics and flourishes in any type of climate i.e. hot, cold, acidic etc does not have any effects on it. Shortly after its release it is BeePee's opinion,based on his thousands of hours of video investigating that they lost control of it and that it began to mutate with other cells throughout the oceans creating other mutated forms of itself for which there were and still are no controls for...

Here is a video of an interview by the BBC of then B.P. C.E.O. Mike Utsler Pay attention to his double and triple speak B.S. and even more importantly his statement at 1:55 that "A new microbe has been released that is ATTACKING the plume and using it as a FOOD SOURCE!" Notice immediately after he makes that statement he is briskly pulled away by his handlers!


Right after this interview Mike Utsler was removed as B.P.'s C.E.O. replaced by Tony Hayward!

Some key points that are very important: ATTACKING means that it is aggressive! FOOD SOURCE means that it eats carbon, humans = carbon! As far as this being out of the water I believe that when ocean water evaporates up into the clouds so to does this synthetic life microbe and its mutations then it is carried over populated areas and dispersed in the rain water... It is also mutating its way up the food chain...

Remember the storms in Joplin, MO. where they had set up TOP SECRET MORGUES and CNN reporters were stopped and turned back? I believe that is somehow connected to this mutated microbe...


Small microbes "Bugs" in the Gulf of Mexico that were eating the steel machinery that B.P. had on the sea floor during the Deep Water Horizon oil disaster! Here is one of BeePee's very first videos, notice the date July 10, 2010...


Then months later it came out in the mainstream media "New Microbe Discovered Eating What Is Left Of The Metal On The Titanic" They claim in the article that the newly discovered microbe was found on a rusticle that had been retrieved in 1991 but I have my suspicions on its true origin. I have decided to add this article because it was a report that was released around the same time frame keeping in mind that its contents are debatable...

Then scientists reported they are now able to make "Evolving Synthetic Life" completely from metal!

I want to stress that everything BePee reported about what is taking place in the Gulf of Mexico has been evolving for these last few years, it was never removed or brought under control and that is why they sprayed so much Corexit 9500 to cover up and sink to the bottom of the sea floor as much as they possibly could but it is ALL still in the Gulf and more importantly has migrated to all parts of our oceans and other large bodies of water!

The revealing video below is released by AlJazeera on april 20, 2013. Off the coast of the US state of Texas is where the Deepwater Horizon oil platform blew up exactly three years ago. Vast amounts of oil spilled into the Gulf of Mexico causing one of the biggest-ever environmental catastrophes. Now Al Jazeera's been seeing video, which energy giant BP never wanted shown. And there's accusations of a cover-up. Al Jazeera's John Terret reports from New Orleans.


Via BeePeeOilDisaster

Friday, April 19, 2013

Debris from Comet ISON could dust the Earth with Meteoroids in early 2014!

Anticipation is building as Comet ISON plunges into the inner solar system for a close encounter with the sun in November 2013 and expected to become a bright naked-eye object later this year, (arrives on Dec. 26, 2013. 

Blasted at point-blank range by solar radiation, the sungrazer will likely become one of the finest comets in many years. 

When NASA's Swift spacecraft observed the comet in January 2013, it was still near the orbit of Jupiter, but already very active. More than 112,000 pounds of dust were spewing from the comet's nucleus every minute. 

ISON will not be a threat to Earth - getting no closer to Earth than about 40 million miles, but a new model of the debris flowing from Comet ISON suggests that the sungrazer could dust the Earth with meteoroids in early 2014. 

It turns out, some of that dust might end up on Earth!  

Experts discuss the possibilities in a video from ScienceNASA

source: science.nasa.gov

UFO Encounter Over The Atlantic - Commander Graham Bethune Testimony

Cmdr. Graham Bethune is a retired Navy commander pilot with a top-secret clearance.

He was a VIP Plane Commander who flew most of the high-ranking officers and civilians from Washington, DC.

In his testimony he explains how he was flying a group of VIPs and other pilots into Argentia, Newfoundland when they all witnessed a 300 foot UFO that traveled 10,000 feet straight up in a fraction of a second toward their plane. He has documented the event.

UFO Attack at Naval Base in Cape Town? - April, 2013

An UFO captured on video for about 40 minutes was sighted over the naval base in Simon’s Town Naval Base, Cape Town when hundreds of rounds were fired into the air at around 9 pm Saturday night ( 6th April 2013). 

It is unclear whether the firing was aimed at the UFO but its certain that the UFO did not respond. 

The video captured by a resident shows an object that could be either cylindrical or “V” shaped directly above the sea, while flairs are shot at it. The UFO made no sound and was about a mile offshore. 

By estimation the UFO or USO is about 4 miles long and possibly the largest unidentified flying object recorded. The UFO(s) seems to have some stealth capability as they were not visible with the naked eye till captured with a Night vision AX Professional IR camcorder. 

The new footage released by World News Tomorrow USA caused havoc in the UFO world, as it seems to prove that there was indeed some aggressive firing, on what seems to appear as a giant UFO. The naval base first dismissed that there was any firing of any sort, however they later changed their statements by saying it was only a navy drill, scheduled months in advance to take place between the hours of 8 pm and 9 pm. The video shown, is clearly different. Read more, including detailed images, here and here 

The Counter Intelligence Agency that investigates paranormal activities in Africa, said that they are looking into this matter. 


Enormous natural hot water geyser arises spontaneously in Smolensk, Russia - April 2013

Right in the middle of the city Smolensk, a natural geyser arises spontaneously.

Last week, huge sinkholes started to appear all over the city of Samara, Russia, swallowing buses, cars, trucks.

Signs of the time?

Thursday, April 18, 2013

"Spacecraft over Mexico" - Air Traffic Controller Enrique Kolbeck Testimony

Mr. Enrique Kolbeck is a senior Air Traffic Controller at Mexico City International Airport.

In his testimony he speaks about the frequent UFO sightings seen at the airport visually and on radar.

They are clocked at tremendous speeds and making almost instantaneous hairpin turns.

Of the 140 air traffic controllers at the airport, he estimates that over 50 have seen this phenomenon.


Video Waco Texas Fertilizer Plant Explosion - Apr 17, 2013

Explosions rocked a fertilizer plant in West, Texas, Wednesday evening as firefighters were battling a fire, causing multiple injuries, authorities said.

Dani Moore, dispatcher with the Texas Department of Pubic Safety, said she did not know how many were injured or the extent of their injuries.

"The fertilizer plant was on fire. Firefighters were on the scene. There was an explosion ... followed by a second explosion,'' she said.

She said there were multiple damages to structures and vehicles. She said she had no information on the cause of the blasts or fire.

WFAA.com reported at least 10 structures were on fire, including a school which is next door to the plant. An emergency triage center was set up at a high school football field. The TV station said on its website that a shock wave was felt in parts of North Texas.

The Waco Tribune reported injuries to several people including firefighters. The fertilizer plant is about 20 miles north of Waco and just off Interstate 35.

KWTX.com reported one of the nearby buildings damaged was a nursing home, and state troopers transported some of the injured to hospitals in patrol cars. It also said the explosion knocked out electrical power to part of the community.

Hillcrest Baptist Medical Center in Waco, was receiving some of the injured. Answering the phone at the hospital, Karen Jackson said she could provide no information on the number of injured or the extent.

CNN: The full extent of the devastation will have to wait until the light of day Thursday. But residents of the small Texas town of West already know what to expect. "There are a lot of people that got hurt,"

West Mayor Tommy Muska forewarned Wednesday night. "There are a lot of people that will not be here tomorrow." Read entire article

A bystander watching a fire at the West Fertilizer factory has captured the moment that the plant exploded.


Wednesday, April 17, 2013

MK ULTRA Mind Control Rules in Hollywood

Roseanne Barr is an outspoken actress and comedienne who never shied away from tackling difficult and controversial issues, even if that meant being unpopular or being tagged as “crazy” by mass media. While I can’t say that I agree with all of her views, she remains one of the very few people in Hollywood who dare talking about its most damning issue: MK ULTRA.

In a recent interview with RT, Roseanne talked about the dark side of the entertainment industry and directly mentioned MK ULTRA as being a major force in Hollywood. Here’s the interview (it is set up to start at the part about the entertainment industry). Read entire article



Project MK-ULTRA, or MKULTRA, was the code name for a covert CIA mind-control and chemical interrogation research program, run by the Office of Scientific Intelligence. The program began in the early 1950s, continuing at least through the late 1960s, and it used United States citizens as its test subjects. The published evidence indicates that Project MK-ULTRA involved the surreptitious use of many types of drugs, as well as other methods, to manipulate individual mental states and to alter brain function.

Project MK-ULTRA was first brought to wide public attention in 1975 by the U.S. Congress, through investigations by the Church Committee, and by a presidential commission known as the Rockefeller Commission. Investigative efforts were hampered by the fact that CIA Director Richard Helms ordered all MK-ULTRA files destroyed in 1973; the Church Committee and Rockefeller Commission investigations relied on the sworn testimony of direct participants and on the relatively small number of documents that survived Helms’ destruction order.

Although the CIA insists that MK-ULTRA-type experiments have been abandoned, 14-year CIA veteran Victor Marchetti has stated in various interviews that the CIA routinely conducts disinformation campaigns and that CIA mind control research continued. In a 1977 interview, Marchetti specifically called the CIA claim that MK-ULTRA was abandoned a “cover story.”

Mind control, developed and tested by German doctors during WW2. 

Documents, discovered by US troops in April '45, detailing experiments upon prisoners at Dachau, some of which employed hallucinogens such as mescaline, made their way to the US Military Intelligence. Dr. Luther Wilson Green (Greenbaum) summarized and indexed all the files. Dr. Greene was influential in securing some of the Nazi doctors involved with these mind control experiments through the Rockefeller funded Operation "Paperclip". This secret program which imported hundreds of scientists and doctors from Germany after the war is now acknowledged by the US government.

Under Dr. Greene and his ex-Nazi associates, the DoD's Chemical Warfare resources funded experiments designed to develop alter personalities in adults and children for use in a variety of strategic contexts. The use of civilians as experimental subjects was approved by CIA Chief, Allen Dulles, under Operation Artichoke.

Different phases of the program were given to private contractors, some outside America, and funded through various "foundations" like "The Cornell Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology".

The truth started to leak out around 1980. About 250 victims of horrific experimentation filed a class action suit against the famous Dr. Ewen Cameron and the Institut Allan in Montréal, alleging that they were subjected to torture and had their minds damaged for experimental purposes.

MKULTRA Victim Testimony part 1 , MKULTRA Victim Testimony part 2

The Montauk Project

The Montauk Project was alleged to be a series of secret United States government projects conducted at Camp Hero or Montauk Air Force Station on Montauk, Long Island for the purpose of developing psychological warfare techniques and exotic research including time travel. (additional information 'Montauk Project')

These energies can be beamed to large populations from aircraft, helicopters, satellites, and land-based microwave towers, which have proliferated worldwide at an explosive rate in the past years.

Reported Symptoms 
1. Microwave hearing
2. Transmission of specific commands into the subconscious
3. Visual disturbances, visual hallucinations
4. Inject words, numbers into brain via electromagnetic radiation waves
5. Manipulation of emotions
6. Reading thoughts remotely
7. Causing pain to any nerve of the body.
8. Remote manipulation of human behavior from space
9. Harassment, stress symptoms such as helicopters flying overhead
10. Seeing, as in a camera, through your eyes, i.e. to see what you see exactly
11. Control of sleep patterns.
12. Computer-brain interface, control and communication
13. Complex control of the brain such as retrieving memories, implanting personalities

Other Mind Control techniques

Microwave Weapons: A mind control weapon system.
Haarp and  Scalar Waves work in tandem with GWEN Towers and ELF waves.
Chemtrails: They become imbedded right into the immune system or etheric counterpart of the physical body

A more advanced form of scalar weapon is known as a ‘quantum potential’ weapon has been developed by US, Russia, China, Israel and possibly Brazil . These weapons mimic the signature or frequency of a disease by recreating them on scalar carriers. Also any disease can be imprinted onto our cellular system using frequencies ranging from ultraviolet to infrared.

Whole populations can have new diseases and death induced as well as latent diseases being activated with quantum potential diseases in targeted areas.

Manufactured symptoms of radiation poisoning, chemical poisoning, bacterial infection and even the effects of many kinds of drugs including hallucinogenic ones can be induced with these very subtle scalar waves which flow in hyperspace or the sea of ether.

Be aware of yourself!

source: vigilandcitizen.com , viewzone

UFO's in formation fly low over Cork, Ireland - Apr 10, 2013

An amazing footage of bright spheres hovering over Cork, Ireland on April 10, 2013.

There were some questions whether this recording is fake or CGI made.

According UFOdisclosureIreland: "This is county Cork, there is no military base, no military training, even no military partner. The recorder is trying to get what best footage he has in the video and he is not taking the camera off them - totally the opposite - you don't see flares in Cork."

YT comments:

YT. comment 1: "There is a process in the industry called camera tracking where software looks at real camera moves and tries to accurately copy it so that one can then add the cg element to the shot and it too will have the same move. Its impossible that this footage could be camera tracked at all. Even if the poor quality was added afterwards. Also the parallax in the shot is fantastically real, so I'm thinking, this is real." 

YT. comment 2: "I'm a professional cg artist and i can tell you for sure this isn't fake. know one could camera track this pile of footage. The reason you think you guys see an orb go in front of the house is down to 'light spill' affecting the camera lens to be honest its what makes this event even more believable."

A similar object was recorded on March 15, 2011. (second video).

 Here is the footage:



UFO-Plasma Ball or Meteorite explodes above Melbourne, Australia? - Apr 16, 2013

A strange object at high altitude filmed above Melbourne, Australia on April 16, 2013.

It seems as if the object changes shape or even explodes.

Is it possible that the object is a plasma ball, orb, sphere or maybe a small meteorite?

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Boston Bombing predicted in Family Guy - predictive programming?

"Turban Cowboy" is the fifteenth episode of the eleventh season and the 203rd overall episode of the animated comedy series Family Guy. It aired on Fox in the United States on March 17, 2013 and it appears as if some predictive programming may be at play in the episode.

The main character of the show Peter Griffin is seen at the Boston Marathon killing people with his car in an attempt to win the race. He is shown on a news program at the finish line with mangled bodies in the background. Later he is seen placing cell phone calls which result in two explosions.

Plot of the episode:

As Peter, Joe, and brian hang out at The Drunken Clam, they decide to do something to shake up their boring lives. They take Peter up on his suggestion to take up skydiving. Peter is invigorated by their jump and keeps up skydiving despite Lois' concern, even as his jumps usually result in accidents like falling on Meg at dinner, falling on a ninja that killed a woman, and falling on the castle of the Pig King from Angry Birds with only one pig not ended up killed.

An accident at the Eiffel Tower replica in Las Vegas lands Peter in the hospital where he meets Mahmoud, a Muslim. He finds he gets along great with Mahmoud. Back at the Drunken Clam, Peter has Mahmoud stop by to introduce him to Quagmire, Joe, and Brian. They find he has nothing in common with them when he refuses to drink or look at other women.

Mahmoud introduces Peter to Islamic culture and he becomes interested in becoming a Muslim. Lois has reservations as Peter starts studying Islam in-depth although she decides to let it pass. Joe and Quagmire also voice their suspicions about Mahmoud as Peter tries to dial up Mahmoud twice only to cause some explosions off-screen.

Mahmoud later invites Peter to a Muslim get-together but finds himself unwitting involved with terrorists intent on blowing up the Quahog Bridge. When Peter drops that he is trying to act inauspicious, the guys begin to suspect that he is involved with terrorists.

Peter realizes that he has been duped and wants to drop out but Joe convinces him to go along since he is already on the inside. As they go over the plan, Peter finds out that he will be driving the van. Peter is caught when he reveals he is wearing a microphone when trying to scratch an itch near it.

Joe and Quagmire hear as they plan is rushed into action. Peter is held at gunpoint and forced to drive the explosives-laden van to the Quahog Bridge. Peter tries to talk Mahmoud out of his plan, but fails. Joe arrives in time with the police to stop him and destroys the detonator by knocking it out of Mahmoud's hand.

Joe mentions that 30 of the terrorists have been arrested and that the rest of the local Muslims are cast under suspicion.

Joe thanks Peter for his involvement as Peter decides to call Horace to get a table ready for his friends and family at the Drunken Clam.

As he dials his cell phone, the Quahog Bridge explodes and Peter orders everyone to run away.

Predictive Programming is not a new phenomena.. Read more  source: planetinfowars.com , obeypressplay


Vasily Yeremenko: Former KGB agent reveals Soviet UFO studies

The Soviet Union took UFOs seriously. The KGB and the Soviet Defence Ministry had dedicated units collecting and analysing information about paranormal activity. Military experts even claimed to know how to "summon" UFOs and make contact with them.

 Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev was recently asked an unusual question. A REN TV correspondent asked him, as a former president, if it was true that, together with the nuclear briefcase, the head of state was presented with a classified folder with materials about UFOs.

Dmitry Medvedev said this was true. According to the prime minister, in addition to the folder, the head of state was presented with a report from the secret services, whose task it was to control the aliens on Russian territory. When asked by journalist if there were many aliens living among us, Medvedev refused to elaborate, “so as not to create a panic.” However, he did suggest that those interested in the subject watch a "documentary chronicle" called "Men in Black.".

It happened at end of March, at the Zigel Readings conference named after Felix Zigel – a Soviet astronomer and mathematician who is largely credited with being the founder of ufology in Russia. This biannual event has been held in Moscow for more than 20 years and is devoted to the study of paranormal phenomena.

For many years, reports of UFO sightings were treated in the Soviet Union as non-science, or fiction not worthy of attention from serious scientists. Only a few enthusiasts like Felix Zigel realized that those facts needed to be studied seriously. In the 1960s, Zigel delivered many public lectures on the topic, thus prompting volunteers to join in the task of collecting information on unidentified flying objects.

The watershed moment for the official attitude toward UFOs came in 1978, when hundreds – if not thousands – of people in Petrozavodsk witnessed a strange luminous object in the sky for several hours. The local emergencies services were inundated with letters and calls from frightened members of the public. Even neighboring countries asked the Soviet Union to explain what mysterious military exercise it was holding.

The last straw was a letter from the academic Aleksandrov – the founding father of Soviet nuclear power plants – claiming that it would be a mistake to keep ignoring this issue. According to him, it was necessary to set up special programs to study these phenomena.

The source for this story is a retired FSB major general and researcher with an Academy of Security, Defense and Law and Order Issues, Vasily Yeremenko. At the time, Yeremenko - X-files was in charge of the KGB division overseeing the air force and aircraft manufacturing. It was his division that was entrusted with the task of collecting all reports of UFO sightings.

By that time, as Yeremenko told RBTH, there had been an accumulation of reports on numerous paranormal incidents. Missile Troops units were even instructed on how to behave in the event that they spotted a UFO: the main thing was not to act in a way that could create an opportunity for a retaliatory aggression.

In the early 1980s, an experiment to "summon" a UFO was staged at a military range in Astrakhan Region. By then, experts had realized that UFOs were frequently sighted in areas of "heightened tension" – for instance, during weapons tests, or when there was a lot of military hardware gathered in one area.

"One could say that, during that experiment, we learned how to summon a UFO. To achieve that, there would be a sharp increase in the number of flights performed by combat aircraft and a lot of movement of hardware. Then UFOs appeared with a probability of nearly 100 percent," Yeremenko said. According to him, most of the objects looked like luminous spheres.

Over time, all the participants in the experiment became so used to these phenomena that they took them for granted. Some even tried to make contact with the objects. "It looked like this: a person on the ground would wave their arms, twice to the right and twice to the left. The ball in the sky would react to it by swinging twice to the right and then twice to the left. We had no idea how to explain that," said Yeremenko.

In the end, the military, together with the scientists who took part in the experiment, came to three main conclusions. First, these may be natural phenomena that modern science is not yet able to explain. Second, these may be U.S. or Japanese reconnaissance equipment. Finally, these may be extraterrestrial objects. Full article - source: rtbh.ru , thecosmosnews

Massive Earthquake 7.8 struck Kash, Iran - Apr 16, 2013

A powerful earthquake measuring 7.5 on the Richter scale has struck Iran's southeastern province of Sistan and Baluchestan today, reportedly killing at least 40 people in the second deadly quake in the area in less than a week.

Hundreds of people are still missing and feared dead, more than 850 people injured in the disaster.

The IRSC also reported that the epicenter of the quake was situated 81 kilometers north of the city of Saravan.

According to the United States Geographical Survey (USGS) the quake measured 7.8 on the Richter scale and was powerful enough to be felt as far away as New Delhi, India and the Gulf cities of Dubai and Bahrain.


Monday, April 15, 2013

Illuminati Card Game: Card No.291 Joggers Marathon - Apr 15, 2013

Still remember the 'Illuminati Card Game 1995'? 

The standalone card game made by Steve Jackson Games (SJG), inspired by The Illuminatus Trilogy by Robert Anton and Robert Shea. 

The game has ominous secret societies competing with each other to control the world through sinister means, including legal, illegal, and even mystical. 

Yes, that game, released in 1995, showing many images of disasters, happened after 1995. 

Card No. 291: Joggers 
No one suspect a harmless jogger! 

Boston Marathon ?

Too many events were already predicted in one of the cards, again coincidence?

Browse complete album: Illuminati Card Game ( usahitman.com)

Meteor explodes in a ball of fire above Spain - Apr 15, 2013 (Video)

A brilliant ball of flame streaked across the sky above the Spanish capital Madrid, dazzling stargazers and astronomers alike.

The celestial display was so bright it could be seen across the entire country.

The eye-popping moment was caught on camera by the Hita Observatory at the University of Huelva at around 11:45pm local time (21:45 GMT).

The object struck the atmosphere above the Villamuelas district in the province of Toledo, southwest of Madrid.

The impact was so abrupt that the object immediately caught fire, creating a ball of flame around 100 kilometers above the Earth,” The meteor then shot towards Madrid at over 75,000 kilometers an hour before disintegrating completely at an altitude of 70 kilometers.

The explosion as the fireball entered the atmosphere sparked comparisons with the 500-kiloton explosion caused by the meteorite that fell over the Russian city of Chelyabinsk in February.

source: RT